Pakistan Border Area Regulation 1959
Pakistan Border Area Regulation 1959. This Regulation may be called the West Pakistan Border Area Regulation, 1959. “border area” means any area in the Province of the Punjab along the Indo-Pakistan border which falls within five miles form such border as further amplified in sub-paragraph IIof paragraph 55-A of the West Pakistan Rehabilitation Settlement Scheme. A Committee may scrutinize allotment of any State land or immovable evacuee property within any border area and may, on being satisfied that any allotment was made to a person not eligible for allotment, cancel such allotment and direct the allottee to surrender forthwith the property to the Deputy Commissioner within whose jurisdiction the property is situated, failing which the Deputy Commissioner or the Committee may take possession of the property by evicting any person therefrom with such force as may be necessary for the purpose.
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