Negotiable Instruments Act 1881
Negotiable Instruments Act 1881 The Negotiable Instruments Act 1881 holds great significance in Pakistan as it serves as a comprehensive legislation governing various aspects of
Negotiable Instruments Act 1881 The Negotiable Instruments Act 1881 holds great significance in Pakistan as it serves as a comprehensive legislation governing various aspects of
Companies Ordinance 1984 This Ordinance may be called the Companies Ordinance 1984. It extends to the whole of Pakistan. To download a PDF copy of
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Punjab Undesirable Cooperative Societies Dissolution Act 1993 This Act may be called the Punjab Undesirable Cooperative Societies (Dissolution) Act, 1993. It shall extend to the
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Societies Registration Act 1860 Any seven or more persons associated for any literary, scientific or charitable purpose, or for any such purpose as is described
Punjab Government Dues Recovery Ordinance 1962 This Ordinance may be called the [Punjab] Government Dues Recovery Ordinance, 1962. It extends to the whole of the
Punjab General Provident Investment Fund Act 2009 This Act may be cited as the Punjab General Provident Investment Fund Act 2009. It extends to the
Punjab Debtors Protection Act 1936 This Act may be called the Punjab Debtors’ Protection Act, 1936. It extends to the Punjab. It shall come into
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Cooperative Societies (Reforms) Ordinance 1980 Cooperative Societies (Reforms) Ordinance 1980. This Ordinance may be called the Co-operative Societies (Reforms) Ordinance, 1980. It extends to the
Patents Ordinance 2000 This Ordinance may be called the Patents Ordinance 2000, It extends to the whole of Pakistan. It shall come into force at
Partnership Act 1932 This Act may be called the Partnership Act, 1932. It extends to the whole of Pakistan. It shall come into force on
West Pakistan Cotton Control (Validation of Levy of Fees) Ordinance 1966 The West Pakistan Cotton Control (Validation of Levy of Fees) Ordinance 1966. it is
Pakistan Cooperative Board (Dissolution) Act 1966 Pakistan Cooperative Board (Dissolution) Act 1966. This Act may be called the West Pakistan Co-operative Board (Dissolution) Act, 1966.
Multi-Unit Co Operative Societies Act 1942 Multi-Unit Co Operative Societies Act 1942. This Act may be called the Multi-unit Co-operative Societies Act, 1942. It extends
Foreign Private Investment 1976 This Act may be called the Foreign Private Investment (Promotion and Protection) Act, 1976. It shall come into force at once.
Disabled Persons (Employment and Rehabilitation) Ordinance 1981 Disabled Persons (Employment and Rehabilitation) Ordinance 1981. This Ordinance may be called the Disabled Persons (Employment and Rehabilitation)
Cotton Industry Statistics Act 1926 Cotton Industry Statistics Act 1926. This Act may be called the Cotton Industry (Statistics) Act, 1926. It extends to the
Cooperative Societies (Repayment of Loans) Ordinance 1960 Cooperative Societies (Repayment of Loans) Ordinance 1960. This Ordinance may be called the Co-operative Societies (Repayment of Loans)
Contract Act 1872 Contract Act 1872. This Act may be called the Contract Act 1872. It extends to the whole of Pakistan. To download a
Commercial Documents Evidence Act 1939 Commercial Documents Evidence Act 1939. This Act may be called the Commercial Documents Evidence Act 1939. It extends to the
Factories Act 1934 Factories Act 1934. This Act may be called the Factories Act, 1934. It extends to whole of the Punjab. To download a
Cooperative Societies Act 1925 This Act may be called the Co-operative Societies Act 1925. This Act shall extend to whole of the Punjab. To download a