Hotels and Restaurants Law in Pakistan
Opening a Hotel or Restaurant
The Pakistan Hotels and Restaurants Act, 1976 and The Pakistan Hotels and Restaurants Rules, 1977 is the law which deals with the registration and control of the hotels and restaurants. Owner of every restaurant or hotel shall from the opening apply to the controller for registration, without first getting the hotel or restaurant registered and obtaining a license under the Act no owner, (individual, firm, company) is allowed to carry on his business. For registration of a restaurant, the owner of the restaurant is required to conform to the standard of health, hygiene, comfort, medical certificates of staffs in good health, its building is structurally safe and to fulfill other requirements in accordance with law. After getting registration the owner of the restaurant is required to obtain a license from the controller. Normally, registration and license are issued at the same time. A license granted shall remain in force for a period of one year and is renewable every year on payment of prescribed government fee.
City Laws Associates offers services in obtaining registration and license to open a hotel or restaurant and also provides information to help open and operate business including under mentioned services:
- Choosing the hotel or restaurant entity, should it be sole proprietorship, firm or company.
- Drafting lease agreement.
- Trademark registration for the name of hotel or restaurant.
- Drafting of employment contract.
- Drafting of confidentiality agreement.
- Drafting and negotiating all agreements for the sale and purchase of hotels or restaurants.
- Drafting and negotiating franchise agreements.
- All litigation arising out of vendor, partner, employee and customer disputes.
Please Contact Us for further consultation.