Civil Citations
S.54 Agreement to Sell not signed one of the Party (Vender or Vendee) has no value in the eye of law 2016 CLC Page 114.
S.25, 42 suit for declaration admission of thumb impression on the document by an illiterate lady would not concluded the admission of the document 2016 MLD 370.
O.17,R.3 Willful default in producing evidence, plaintiff failed to produce evidence beside six opportunities, right to produce of evidence was closed 2015 PLD 375 Lahore.
Where law is amended during pendency of an action, case is required to be decided under old law 2015 PLD 34 Lahore.
Minor contradiction in evidence does creep in with the passage of time and can be ignored 2011 SCMR 493.
Order u/s 203, 204 crpc is judicial order 2016 PLD 55 SC.
Art. 79—Where the execution of document was in issue, it was essential and mandatory upon the person relying upon the document to examine marginal witnesses 2011 M L D 96.
S.13-Suit for pre-emption-Sale made through Mutation-Limitation for filing suit for such sale would be reckoned from the date of attestation of Mutation 2014 PLD 488 SC.
O.41, R.17 Appeal in absence of appellant could be dismissed only on a date fixed for hearing (arguments) 2009 YLR 3013.
Arts.132 & 133—Fact not cross-examined-Portion of statement which remained unchallenged in cross-examination is presumed to have been accepted by other party 2015 YLR 500.
Art. 100–Seventy years old registered document-Signature of vendors not matching with each other– sale deed not entered in revenue record for long time–Alleged document did not remain under proper custody, hence it did not fulfil requirement of Art. 100 of Q.S. PLJ 2013 AJK 324.