Schedule II Tabular Statement of Offences (جرائم کی فہرست)
Schedule II of the Pakistan Penal Code contains a tabular statement of offences (جرائم کی فہرست) along with their punishments. The tabular statement includes a list of offences classified under various categories, such as offences against the state, offences relating to the army, navy, or air force, offences against public tranquility, offences against property, and so on.
Each offence listed in the tabular statement includes the relevant section of the Pakistan Penal Code, a brief description of the offence, and the punishment prescribed for that offence. The punishment may include imprisonment, fine, or both, and in some cases, the death penalty.
It is important to note that the tabular statement of offences in Schedule II of the Pakistan Penal Code is not exhaustive and only provides a general overview of the most commonly occurring offences.
To download a PDF copy of the Schedule II Tabular Statement of Offences, Click here.