Legal Dimensions of Succession Certificates and Declaration Suits

Legal Dimensions of Succession Certificates and Declaration Suits: A Comprehensive Guide


Disclaimer: The information provided here is for general guidance only and should not be considered as legal advice. For specific legal advice related to succession certificates and suits for declaration, please contact City Laws Associates.


  1. Understanding Succession Certificate:

– Q. What is meant by a succession certificate?

– A. A succession certificate is issued by a court, establishing legal heirs’ ownership of movable assets like bank deposits, shares, certificates, bonds, stocks, and insurance amounts.


  1. Applicability of Succession Act:

– Q. Is the Succession Act, 1925 applicable to the whole of Pakistan?

– A. Yes, the Succession Act, 1925 is applicable nationwide.


  1. Legal Requirements for Succession Certificate:

– Q. What are the legal requirements to obtain a succession certificate in Pakistan?

– A. You need a certified death certificate, details of subject assets, computerized national identity cards of legal heirs, and a requisite surety.


  1. Security Bond and Court Procedure:

– Q. Is a security bond required before the issuance of a succession certificate?

– A. Yes, a security bond must be submitted to the court by legal heirs.

– Q. What procedure should legal heirs adopt to get possession of the deceased’s bank money?

– A. A succession certificate is required under the Succession Act, 1925 for obtaining possession of bank money and other assets.


  1. Timeframe for Obtaining Succession Certificate:

– Q. How long does it take to obtain a succession certificate from the court?

– A. It varies, but in cases with no opposition, the estimated time is two to three months.


  1. Time Limit for Obtaining Succession Certificate:

– Q. Is there any time limit for obtaining a succession certificate?

– A. There is no specific time limit for applying to a court for the issuance of a succession certificate.


  1. Necessity of Succession Certificate:

– Q. Is a succession certificate necessary if I am the only child of my deceased parents?

– A. Yes, it is necessary.


  1. Transmission of Shares and Multiple Certificates:

– Q. How can legal heirs get shares transmitted in their names?

– A. After obtaining a succession certificate, legal heirs apply to the company holding the shares with the required documents.

– Q. Can the court grant more than one succession certificate to the same legal heir/s?

– A. Yes, the court can grant more than one certificate to the same legal heir/s.


  1. Grounds for Cancellation/Revocation:

– Q. On what grounds can a succession certificate be canceled or revoked in Pakistan?

– A. It can be revoked if obtained fraudulently, through defective proceedings, or rendered useless due to circumstances.


  1. Declaratory Decree for Immovable Property:

– Q. For immovable property, what is needed besides a succession certificate?

– A. A declaratory decree in favor of legal heirs from a court of competent jurisdiction is required.


  1. Substitution of Names in Ownership Records:

– Q. For substitution of names in ownership records, what is required?

– A. In the case of immovable property, a declaratory decree is needed; for movable property, a succession certificate is required.


  1. Suit for Declaration under Specific Relief Act:

– Q. Under what law is a suit for declaration filed in Pakistan?

– A. A suit for declaration is filed under the Specific Relief Act, 1877.


  1. Legal Requirements for Filing Suit for Declaration:

– Q. What are the legal requirements for filing a Suit for Declaration?

– A. Certified copy of the death certificate, title document of the property, and computerized national identity cards of the legal heirs are required.


  1. Estimated Time for Obtaining Decree:

– Q. What is the estimated time for getting a decree in a declaration suit?

– A. It varies, but in cases with no opposition, the estimated time is two to four months.


  1. Substitution of Legal Heirs in Records:

– Q. Can names of legal heirs be substituted in relevant records?

– A. Yes, once the court makes a declaration in favor of legal heirs, their names can be substituted in the records.


  1. Time Limit for Decree of Declaration:

– Q. Is there any time limit for applying to a court for a decree of declaration of legal heirs?

– A. There is no specific time limit for applying to a court for obtaining a declaratory decree.


  1. Filing Application in Civil Court:

– Q. Where the application should be made?

– A. The application is to be made in the civil court where the assets are situated.


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