All Acts Laws of Pakistan

Punjab Abolition of Jagirs Act 1952
Punjab Abolition of Jagirs Act 1952 This Act may be called the Punjab Abolition of Jagirs Act, 1952. It shall extend to the Punjab. It

Punjab Acquisition of Land (Housing) (Repeal) Act 1985
Punjab Acquisition of Land (Housing) (Repeal) Act 1985 This Act may be called the Punjab Acquisition of Land (Housing) (Repeal) Act, 1985. It shall extend

Punjab Administrator General Act 1913
Punjab Administrator General Act 1913 This Act may be called the Administrator General’s Act, 1913. It extends to the whole of the Punjab. To download

Punjab Aerial Ropeways Act 1926
Punjab Aerial Ropeways Act 1926 This Act may be called the Punjab Aerial Ropeways Act, 1926. It extends to the Punjab. To download a PDF

Punjab Agricultural Development and Supplies Corporation Act 1973
Punjab Agricultural Development and Supplies Corporation Act 1973 This Act shall be called the Punjab Agricultural Development and Supplies Corporation Act, 1973. It shall extend

Punjab Agricultural Development Finance Corporation (Recovery of Arrears) Act 1958
Punjab Agricultural Development Finance Corporation (Recovery of Arrears) Act 1958 This Act may be called the Punjab Agricultural Development Finance Corporation (Recovery of Arrears) Act,

Punjab Agricultural Income Tax Act 1997
Punjab Agricultural Income Tax Act 1997 This Act may be called the Punjab Agricultural Income Tax Act 1997. It shall come into force on the

Punjab Agricultural Marketing Regulatory Authority Act 2018
Punjab Agricultural Marketing Regulatory Authority Act 2018 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Agricultural Marketing Regulatory Authority Act 2018. It shall come into

Punjab Agricultural Research Board Act 1997
Punjab Agricultural Research Board Act 1997 This Act may be called the Punjab Agricultural Research Board Act 1997. It extends to the whole of the

Punjab Agriculturists Loans Act 1958
Punjab Agriculturists Loans Act 1958 This Act may be called the [Punjab] Agriculturists’ Loans Act, 1958. It extends to the whole of the Province of

Punjab Alienation of Land Act 1900
Punjab Alienation of Land Act 1900 This Act may be called the Punjab Alienation of Land Act, It extends to the Punjab. It shall come

Punjab Alternate Dispute Resolution Act 2019
Punjab Alternate Dispute Resolution Act 2019 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Alternate Dispute Resolution Act 2019. It shall extend to whole of

Punjab Animal Health Act 2019
Punjab Animal Health Act 2019 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Animal Health Act 2019. It extends to whole of the Punjab. It

Punjab Animals Feed Stuff and Compound Feed Act 2016
Punjab Animals Feed Stuff and Compound Feed Act 2016 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Animals Feed Stuff and Compound Feed Act 2016.

Punjab Animals Slaughter Control Act 1963
Punjab Animals Slaughter Control Act 1963 This Act may be called the Punjab Animals Slaughter Control Act, 1963. It extends to the whole of the

Punjab Apprenticeship Act 2021
Punjab Apprenticeship Act 2021 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Apprenticeship Act 2021. It extends to whole of the Punjab. It shall come

PUNJAB ARMS (AMENDMENT) ACT 2015 Punjab Arms (Amendment) Act, 2015: An Overview The Punjab Arms (Amendment) Act, 2015 was introduced to regulate the possession, manufacture,

Punjab Bait Maal Amended Act 1994 (Urdu)
Punjab Bait Maal Amended Act 1994 (Urdu) Punjab Bait Maal Amended Act 1994 with Rules 2003. To download a PDF copy of the Punjab Bait

Punjab Bait Ul Mal Act 1991
Punjab Bait Ul Mal Act 1991 This Act may be called the Punjab Bait-ul-Mal Act 1991. It extends to the whole of the Punjab. It

Punjab Blood Transfusion Safety Act 2016
Punjab Blood Transfusion Safety Act 2016 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Blood Transfusion Safety Act 2016. It extends to whole of the

Punjab Board of Revenue Act 1957
Punjab Board of Revenue Act 1957 This Act may be called the Punjab Board of Revenue Act, 1957. It extends to the whole of the

Punjab Boards Of Intermediate And Secondary Education Act 1976
Punjab Boards Of Intermediate And Secondary Education Act 1976 This Act may be called the Punjab Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education Act, 1976. It

Punjab Bookstall Act 1926
Punjab Bookstall Act 1926 This Act may be called the Punjab Borstal Act, 1926. It extends to the Punjab, Pakistan. To download a PDF copy

Punjab Border Military Police Act 1904
Punjab Border Military Police Act 1904 This Act may be called the Punjab Border Military Police Act, 1904. It extends to such notified tribal areas