Punjab Suppression of Prostitution Ordinance 1961
Punjab Suppression of Prostitution Ordinance 1961 This Ordinance may be called the [Punjab] Suppression of Prostitution Ordinance, 1961. To download a PDF copy of the
Punjab Suppression of Prostitution Ordinance 1961 This Ordinance may be called the [Punjab] Suppression of Prostitution Ordinance, 1961. To download a PDF copy of the
Punjab Subordinate Judiciary Service Tribunal Act 1991 This Act may be called the Punjab Subordinate Judiciary Service Tribunal Act, 1991. It shall come into force
Punjab Strategic Coordination Act 2014 This Act shall be cited as the Punjab Strategic Coordination Act 2014. It extends to whole of the Punjab. To
Punjab State Aid to Industries Act 1935 This Act may be called the Punjab State Aid to Industries Act, 1935. It extends to the Punjab.
Punjab Special Premises (Preservation) Ordinance 1985 This Ordinance may be called the Punjab Special Premises (Preservation) Ordinance, 1985; It shall extend to the whole of
Punjab Special Assistants (Salary Allowances and Privileges) Ordinance 2002 This Ordinance may be called the Punjab Special Assistants (Salary, Allowances and Privileges) Ordinance, 2002. It
Punjab Sound Systems (Regulation) Act 2015 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Sound Systems (Regulation) Act 2015. It shall extend to the whole
Punjab Soil Reclamation Act 1952 This Act may be called the Punjab Soil Reclamation Act, 1952. It extends to the whole of [the Punjab] except
Punjab Social Services Board Ordinance 1970 This Ordinance may be called the Punjab Social Services Board Ordinance, 1970. It extends to the whole of the
Punjab Social Protection Authority Act 2015 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Social Protection Authority Act 2015. It shall extend to whole of
Punjab Small Industries Corporation Act 1973 This Act may be called the Punjab Small Industries Corporation Act, 1973. It extends to the whole of the
Punjab Shops and Establishments Security Repeal Ordinance Act 1999 This Act was passed by the Punjab Assembly on 28th January, 1999; assented to by the
Punjab Right to Public Services Act 2018 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Right to Public Services Act 2019. It extends to whole
Punjab Skills Development Authority Act 2019 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Skills Development Authority Act 2019. It extends to whole of the
Punjab Silkworms (Regulation and Control) Ordinance 1972 This Ordinance may be called the Punjab Silkworms (Regulation and Control) Ordinance, 1972. It extends to the whole
Punjab Sikh Anand Karaj Marriage Act 2018 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Sikh Anand Karaj Marriage Act 2018. It extends to whole
Punjab Shehr E Khamoshan Authority Act 2017 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Shehr-e-Khamoshan Authority Act 2017. It shall extend to whole of
Punjab Service Tribunals Act 1974 This Act may be called the Punjab [Service] Tribunals Act, 1974. It shall come into force at once. To download
Punjab Sentencing Act 2019 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Sentencing Act 2019. It extends to whole of the Punjab. To download a
Punjab Seized and Freeze Institutions Madaaris and Schools Act 2019 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Seized and Freezed Institutions (Madaaris and Schools)
Punjab Seized and Freeze Facilities Hospitals and Dispensaries Act 2019 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Seized and Freezed Facilities (Hospitals and Dispensaries)
Punjab Seeds and Fruit Plants Ordinance 1965 This Ordinance may be called the [Punjab] Seeds and Fruit Plants Ordinance, 1965 It extends to the whole
Punjab Seed Corporation Act 1976 This Act may be called the Punjab Seed Corporation Act, 1976. It shall extend to the whole of the Province
Punjab Security of Vulnerable Establishments Act 2015 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Security of Vulnerable Establishments Act 2015. It extends to whole
Punjab Secretariat Allowance (Withdrawal) Act 1997 This Act may be called the Punjab Secretariat Allowance (Withdrawal) Act 1997. It shall come into force at once.
Punjab Sales Tax on Services Act 2012 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Sales Tax on Services Act 2012. It shall extend to
Punjab Safe Medical Supplies Authority Act 2018 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Safe Medical Supplies Authority Act 2018. It extends to whole
Punjab Safe Cities Authority Act 2016 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Safe Cities Authority Act 2016. Subject to subsection, it shall extend
Punjab Road Transport Board Removal of Undesirable Employees Ordinance 1965 This Ordinance may be called the [Punjab Road Transport Board] [Punjab] Removal of Undesirable Employees
Punjab Rice (Restrictions on Cultivation) Ordinance 1959 This Ordinance may be called the [Punjab] Rice (Restrictions on Cultivation) Ordinance, 1959. To download a PDF copy
Punjab Revision of Emoluments of Public Representatives Act 1995 This Act may be called the Punjab Revision of Emoluments of Public Representatives Act, 1995. It
Punjab Revenue Authority Act 2012 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Revenue Authority Act 2012. It extends to whole of the Punjab. To
Punjab Restriction on Employment of Children Act 2016 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Restriction on Employment of Children Act 2016. It extends
Punjab Requisitioning Of Motor Vehicles (Temporary Powers) Ordinance 1970 This Ordinance may be called the [Punjab] requisitioning of [Motor Vehicles] (Temporary Powers) Ordinance, 1970. To
Punjab Requisitioning of Immovable Property (Temporary Powers) Act 1956 This Act may be called [the Punjab Requisitioning of Immovable Property (Temporary Powers) Act, 1956. To
Punjab Requisitioned Land (Continuance) Act 1958 This Act may be called the [Punjab] Requisitioned Land (Continuance) Act, 1958. To download a PDF copy of the
Punjab Reproductive Maternal Neo Natal and Child Health Authority Act 2014 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Reproductive, Maternal, Neo-natal and Child Health
Punjab Rented Premises Act 2009 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Rented Premises Act 2009. It shall extend to the whole of the
Punjab Relief of Indebtedness Ordinance 1960 This Ordinance may be called the [Punjab] Relief of Indebtedness Ordinance, 1960. It extends to the whole of the
Punjab Relief of Indebtedness Act2c 1934 This Act may be called the Punjab Relief of Indebtedness Act, 1934. To download a PDF copy of the
Punjab Regularization of Service Act 2018 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Regularization of Service Act 2018. It extends to whole of Province
Punjab Registration of Godowns Act 2014 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Registration of Godowns Act 2014. It shall extend to whole of
Punjab Redemption and Restitution of Mortgaged Lands Act 1964 This Act may be called the [Punjab] Redemption and Restitution of Mortgaged Lands Act, 1964. It
Punjab Real Estate Agents and Motor Vehicles Dealers (Regulation of Business) Ordinance 1980 This Ordinance may be called the Punjab Real Estate Agents and Motor
Punjab Pure Food Ordinance 1960 This Ordinance may be called the [Punjab] Pure Food Ordinance, 1960. It extends to the whole of the province of
Punjab Public Service Commission Ordinance 1978 This Ordinance may be called the Punjab Public Service Commission Ordinance, 1978. It shall come into force at once.
Punjab Public Service Commission Examination Reforms Act 1977 This Act may be called the Punjab Public Service Commission Examination Reforms Act, 1977. It shall extend
Punjab Public Private Partnership for Infrastructure Act 2010 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Public-Private Partnership for Infrastructure Act 2010. It extends to
Punjab Public Private Partnership Act 2019 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Public Private Partnership Act 2019. It extends to whole of the
Punjab Public Defenders Service Act 2007 (Repeal) Act 2012 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Public Defender Service Act 2007 (Repeal) Act 2012.
Punjab Provincial Assembly Speaker (Salary Allowances and Privileges) Act 1975 Punjab Provincial Assembly Speaker (Salary Allowances and Privileges) Act 1975. This Act may be called
Punjab Provincial Assembly Deputy Speaker (Salary Allowances and Privileges) Act 1975 This Act may be called the Punjab Provincial Assembly Deputy Speaker (Salary, Allowances and
Punjab Provincial Assembly (Salaries Allowances and Privileges of Members) Act 1974 This Act may be called the Punjab Provincial Assembly (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges of
Punjab Protection of Women against Violence Act 2016 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Protection of Women against Violence Act 2016. It extends
Punjab Protection and Restoration of Tenancy Rights Act 1950 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Protected Areas Act 2020. It extends to whole
Punjab Protected Areas Act 2020 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Protected Areas Act 2020. It extends to whole of the Punjab. It
Punjab Prohibition of Smoking in Cinema Houses Ordinance 1960 This Ordinance may be called the [Punjab] Prohibition of Smoking in Cinema Houses Ordinance, 1960. To
Punjab Milk Boards Ordinance 1963 This Ordinance may be called the 5[Punjab] Milk Boards Ordinance, 1963. It extends to the whole of the Province of
Punjab Prohibition of Private Money Lending Act 2007 This Act may be called the Punjab Prohibition of Private Money Lending Act, 2007. It shall extend
Punjab Prohibition of Kite Flying Ordinance 2001 This Ordinance may be called the Punjab Prohibition of Kite Flying Ordinance, 2001. It extends to the
Punjab Prohibition of Expressing Matters on Walls Act 1995 This Act may be called the Punjab Prohibition of Expressing Matters on Walls Act, 1995. It
Punjab Prohibition of Child Labor at Brick Kilns Act 2016 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Prohibition of Child Labour at Brick Kilns
Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority 2009 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority Act 2009. It extends to the whole of the
Punjab Probation and Parole Service Act 2019 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Probation and Parole Service Act 2019. It extends to whole
Punjab Privy Purses (Charged Expenditure) Ordinance 1969 This Ordinance may be called the [Punjab] Privy Purses (Charged Expenditure) Ordinance, 1969. It shall come into force
Punjab Privatization Board Repeal Act This Act may be cited as the Punjab Privatization Board (Repeal) Act 2021. It shall come into force at once.
Punjab Private Security Companies (Regulation and Control) Ordinance 2002 This Ordinance may be called the Punjab Private Security Companies (Regulation and Control) Ordinance, 2002. It
Punjab Private Educational Institutions Promotion and Regulation Ordinance 1984 This Ordinance may be called the Punjab Private Educational Institutions (Promotion and Regulation) Ordinance, 1984. To
Punjab Private Colleges (Management and Control) Ordinance 1970 This Ordinance may be called the [Punjab] Private Colleges (Management and Control) Ordinance, 1970. To download a
Punjab Prevention of Speculation in Essential Commodities Ordinance 2021 This Ordinance may be cited as the Punjab Prevention of Speculation in Essential Commodities Ordinance 2021.
Punjab Prevention of Hoarding Act 2020 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Prevention of Hoarding Act 2020. It extends to whole of the
Punjab Prevention of Gambling Ordinance 1978 This Ordinance may be called the Punjab Prevention of Gambling Ordinance, 1978. It extends to the whole of the
Punjab Prevention of Conflict of Interest Act 2019 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Prevention of Conflict of Interest Act 2019. It shall
Punjab Pre Emption Act 1991 This Act may be called the Punjab Pre-emption Act, 1991 It extends to the whole of the Punjab. It shall
Punjab Pre Emption (Removal of Doubts) Ordinance 1972 This Ordinance may be called the Punjab Pre-emption (Removal of Doubts) Ordinance, 1972. It shall come into
Punjab Power Development Board Act 2011 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Power Development Board Act 2011. It extends to whole of the
Punjab Poultry Production Act 2016 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Poultry Production Act 2016. It extends to whole of the Punjab. It
Punjab Plantation and Maintenance of Trees Act 1974 This Act may be called the Punjab Plantation and Maintenance of Trees Act, 1974. It extends to
Punjab Pension Fund Act 2007 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Pension Fund Act 2007. It extends to whole of the Province of
Punjab Partition of Immovable Property Act 2012 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Partition of Immovable Property Act 2012. It shall extend to
Punjab Parliamentary Secretary’s Salary Allowances and Privileges Ordinance 2002 This Ordinance may be called the Punjab Parliamentary Secretaries (Salary, Allowances and Privileges) Ordinance, 2002. It
Punjab Overseas Pakistanis Commission Ordinance 2020 This Ordinance may be cited as the Punjab Overseas Pakistanis Commission Ordinance 2020. It extends to whole of the
Punjab Overseas Pakistanis Commission Act 2021 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Overseas Pakistanis Commission Act 2021. It extends to whole of the
Punjab Overseas Pakistanis Commission Act 2014 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Overseas Pakistanis Commission Act 2014 (XX of 2014). It extends to
Punjab Office of the Ombudsman Act 1997 This Act may be called the Punjab Office of the Ombudsman Act 1997. It extends to the Province
Punjab Occupational Safety and Health Act 2019 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Occupational Safety and Health Act 2019. It extends to whole
Punjab National Calamities (Prevention and Relief) Act 1958 This Act may be called the [Punjab] National Calamities (Prevention and Relief) Act, 1958. It extends to
Punjab Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application (Removal of Doubts) Ordinance 1972 This Ordinance may be called the Punjab Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application (Removal of
Punjab Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application (Removal of Difficulties) Act 1975 This Act may be called the Punjab Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application (Removal of
Punjab Museums Board Ordinance 2021 This Ordinance may be cited as the Punjab Museums Board Ordinance 2021. It extends to whole of the Punjab. To
Punjab Multan Timber Market Act 1973 This Act may be called the Punjab(Multan) Timber Market Act, 1973. It shall come into force at once. To
Punjab Motor Vehicles Taxation Act 1958 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Motor Vehicle Transaction Licensees Act 2015. It extends to the whole
Punjab Motor Vehicle Transaction Licensees Act 2015 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Motor Vehicle Transaction Licensees Act 2015. It extends to the
Punjab Minor Mineral (Cancellation of Leases) Ordinance 1977 This Act may be called the Punjab Minor Mineral (Cancellation of Leases) Act,1977. It shall extend to
Punjab Minor Canals Act 1905 This Act may be called the Punjab Minor Canals Act of 1905. It extends to the Divisions of Rawalpindi, Sargodha,
Punjab Ministers (Salaries Allowances and Privileges) Act 1975 This Act may be called the Punjab Ministers (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges) Act, 1975. To download a
Punjab Minimum Wages Act 2019 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Minimum Wages Act 2019. It shall extend to whole of the Punjab.
Punjab Minerals (Cancellation of Sand Leases in Restricted Areas) Ordinance 1984 This Ordinance may be called the Punjab Minerals (Cancellation of Sand Leases in Restricted
Punjab Mineral Development Corporation Act 1975 This Act may be called the Punjab Mineral Development Corporation Act, 1975. It extends to the whole of the
Punjab Military Transport Act 1916 This Act may be called the Punjab Military Transport Act, 1916. It extends to the Punjab. To download a PDF