Punjab Electricity Act 1939
Punjab Electricity Act 1939 This Act may be called the Punjab Electricity Act, 1939. In this Act “the Act” means the Electricity Act, 1910. To download a PDF copy of the Punjab Electricity Act 1939, Click here.
Punjab Electricity (Emergency Powers) Act 1941
Punjab Electricity (Emergency Powers) Act 1941 This Act may be called the Punjab Electricity (Emergency Powers) Act, 1941. To download a PDF copy of the Punjab Electricity (Emergency Powers) Act 1941, Click here.
Punjab Electricity (Emergency Powers) (Control of Supply) Act 1949
Punjab Electricity (Emergency Powers) (Control of Supply) Act 1949 This Act may be called [the Punjab] Electricity (Emergency Powers) (Control of Supply) Act, 1949. It extends to the whole of the Punjab. To download a PDF copy of the Punjab Electricity (Emergency Powers) (Control of Supply) Act 1949, Click here.
Punjab Educational Institutions Reconstitution Act 2021
Punjab Educational Institutions Reconstitution Act 2021 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Educational Institutions (Reconstitution) Act 2021. It shall extend to whole of the Punjab. It shall come into force at once. To download a PDF copy of the Punjab Educational Institutions Reconstitution Act 2021, Click here.
Punjab Education Initiatives Management Authority Act 2018
Punjab Education Initiatives Management Authority Act 2018 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Education Initiatives Management Authority Act 2018. It extends to whole of the Punjab. It shall come into force at once. To download a PDF copy of the Punjab Education Initiatives Management Authority Act 2018, Click here.
Punjab Education Foundation Act 2004
Punjab Education Foundation Act 2004 This Act may be called the Punjab Education Foundation Act, 2004. It extends to the whole of the Punjab. It shall come into force at once. To download a PDF copy of the Punjab Education Foundation Act 2004, Click here.
Punjab Economic Research Institute Ordinance 1980
Punjab Economic Research Institute Ordinance 1980 This Ordinance may be called the Punjab Economic Research Institute Ordinance 1980. It shall come into force at once. To download a PDF copy of the Punjab Economic Research Institute Ordinance 1980, Click here.
Punjab Duty on Excessive Wastage of Spirits in Distilleries (Validation) Ordinance 1969
Punjab Duty on Excessive Wastage of Spirits in Distilleries (Validation) Ordinance 1969 This Ordinance may be called the [Punjab] Duty on Excessive Wastage of Spirits in Distilleries (Validation) Ordinance, 1969. To download a PDF copy of the Punjab Duty on Excessive Wastage of Spirits in Distilleries (Validation) Ordinance 1969, Click here.
Punjab Domestic Workers Act 2018
Punjab Domestic Workers Act 2018 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Domestic workers Act 2019. It extends to whole of the Punjab. It shall come into force at once. To download a PDF copy of the Punjab Domestic Workers Act 2018, Click here.
Punjab District (Reconstitution) Ordinance 1960
Punjab District (Reconstitution) Ordinance 1960 This Ordinance may be called the [Punjab] Districts (Reconstitution) Ordinance, 1960. It extends to the whole of the Province of [the Punjab], except the Tribal Areas. To download a PDF copy of the Punjab District (Reconstitution) Ordinance 1960, Click here.
Punjab Development of Damaged Areas Act 1952
Punjab Development of Damaged Areas Act 1952 This Act may be called the Punjab Development of Damaged Areas Act, 1952. It extends to the whole of the Punjab. To download a PDF copy of the Punjab Development of Damaged Areas Act 1952, Click here.
Punjab Development of Cities Act 1976
Punjab Development of Cities Act 1976 This Act may be called the Punjab Development of Cities Act, 1976. It shall extend to the whole of the Province of the Punjab. To download a PDF copy of the Punjab Development of Cities Act 1976, Click here.
Punjab Destitute and Neglected Children Act 2004
Punjab Destitute and Neglected Children Act 2004 This Act may be called the Punjab Destitute and Neglected Children Act 2004. It extends to the Province of the Punjab. To download a PDF copy of the Punjab Destitute and Neglected Children Act 2004, Click here.
Punjab Departmental Inquiries (Powers) Act 1958
Punjab Departmental Inquiries (Powers) Act 1958 This Act may be called the [Punjab] Departmental Inquiries (Powers) Act, 1958. It extends to the whole of the Province of [Punjab], except the Tribal Areas. To download a PDF copy of the Punjab Departmental Inquiries (Powers) Act 1958, Click here.
Punjab Debtors Protection Act 1936
Punjab Debtors Protection Act 1936 This Act may be called the Punjab Debtors’ Protection Act, 1936. It extends to the Punjab. It shall come into force at once. To download a PDF copy of the Punjab Debtors Protection Act 1936, Click here.
Punjab Daanish Schools Act 2010
Punjab Daanish Schools Act 2010 This Act may be cited as the Punjab Daanish Schools and Centers of Excellence Authority Act 2010. It extends to the whole of the Punjab. It shall come into force at once. To download a PDF copy of the Punjab Daanish Schools Act 2010, Click here.