Pakistan Day Memorial Cess Punjab Act 1964
Pakistan Day Memorial Cess Punjab Act 1964 Pakistan Day Memorial Cess Punjab Act 1964. This Act may be called the Pakistan Memorial Cess [Punjab] Act, 1964. There shall be a Fund to be known as the Pakistan Day Memorial Fund, to the credit whereof shall be placed–the proceeds of the cess; loans and grants made […]
West Pakistan Cotton Control (Validation of Levy of Fees) Ordinance 1966
West Pakistan Cotton Control (Validation of Levy of Fees) Ordinance 1966 The West Pakistan Cotton Control (Validation of Levy of Fees) Ordinance 1966. it is expedient to validate the levy, charging, collection and realization of fees from the occupiers of cotton ginning, cotton pressing and cotton seed oil factories, cotton dealers and managers of companies, […]